Minutes of Regular Board Meeting

October 24th, 2006 7:00 PM


Location:          District Office, Gander




Mr. Thomas Kendell (Chair)                             Ms. Cynthia Fleet, Director

Mr. Clar Brown                                                Dr. Barbara Palmer

Mr. John George                                              Ms. Marina Hewlett

Mr. Robert Hannaford                                      Mr. Shawn Brace

Mr. Hubert Langdon                                         Mr. Charlie McCormack

Mr. Scott Pritchett                                            Ms. Bonnie Lane McCarthy (Recorder)

Dr. Greg Woolfrey

Ms. Kim Cheeks

Mr. Kerry Noble

Mr. Peter Budgell

Mr. Bill Sceviour

Ms. Audrey Whiteway

Mr. Newman Harris

Ms. Ann Sparkes

Mr. Peter Gibbons


1.         Welcome and Introductions


            Introductions and welcome were extended to:

·        Brian Shortall, Commissioner of Teacher Allocation Review

·        Noreen Green-Fraize, Deputy Commissioner of Teacher Allocation Review

·        Stefan Barnes, Recorder for Commissioner of Teacher allocation Review

·        Peter Gibbons, back from Alberta and Ann Sparkes, new trustee, Springdale.


2.         Approval of Agenda


Motion:           to approve the agenda as circulated (Brown/Gibbons).  Carried.


3.         Minutes of Meetings


            3.1       Regular Meeting September 19th, 2006


Motion:           to accept the Minutes of the September 19th, 2006 Meeting with the following corrections:


“things are progressing at Botwood Collegiate.  There has been an issue of fumes on a number of occasions” It should read as follows:  Things are progressing at Botwood Collegiate.  There has been an issue with fumes on a number of occasions and each time the problem arose it has been dealt with”.


                        The minutes should have read as follows:  “All work is completed at Indian River Academy.”


The Leading Tickles project is on schedule and students are expected to move in within the next three weeks.


4.         Commissioner for Teacher Allocation Review – Mr. Brian Shortall


Mr. Brian Shortall, Commissioner of Teacher Allocation Review, Ms Noreen Green-Fraize, Deputy Commissioner of Teacher Allocation Review and Mr Stefan Barnes, Recorder for Commission of Teacher Allocation Review were present at the meeting.  Mr. Shortall introduced the Commission.  He told the Board that his focus was on how to improve teaching and learning in this province.  He pointed out that schools have two main variables – teacher and students.


Since 2000 we have reduced the number of teachers in the province by approximately 800.  A strict application of the present allocation guidelines would have seen a further reduction of 200 teachers. 


Besides having to reduce the number of teachers in our schools another difficulty the Boards are facing is recruiting and retaining teachers in some areas of the province.


The Commission must have its report ready to be presented to the Minister by early January.


The Commission has 15 Terms of Reference.  However, there are four main ones:

1.         Equity in programming

2.         Class size

3.         Recruitment and Retention

4.         The identified provincial initiatives for example, fine arts, health, skilled trades


In June 2006 the student population in the province was 76,763.  It is expected that the student population in this province will decline to approximately 56,200 students in the next decade.  In 2005-06 there were 6,226 grade 12 students and 4,956 kindergarten students entering the system.


The following comments/questions were presented to the Commission:

·        Are the supports present for the inclusionary education model?  Will this model be reviewed?

·        Is government going to present a plan for consolidation of smaller schools?

·        Will teacher training have to change to ensure that all the programs are taught adequately in our schools for example skilled trades courses?

·        Some school may be close enough to a College to form a partnership to help in expanding their course offerings.  However, we have many schools where this is not an option.  Many have to look at the concept of providing schools with a certain core of teachers.

·        When addressing recruitment and retention, the work environment and work life must be taken into consideration.

·        There may be a need to explore other classroom settings rather than the traditional classroom.

·        CDLI is an important component of many of our schools.  There are many concerns with offering courses via this technology.  How will the commission address CDLI so that quality education is provided?

·        To address recruitment and retention in rural Newfoundland there may be a need to encourage and support teachers from these areas to do further study in specialty areas.

·        Both urban and rural schools must be adequately staffed.

·        A strong education system in rural Newfoundland is a requirement for sustainability.

·        Why are so many teachers who are trained in the area of Special Education opting out of Special Education where possible?

·        It is important to identify what is reasonable to ask a teacher to do.  It seems that we have reached a point where we have negative returns.  There is already a very full curriculum and we keep adding to it with programs such as QDPA.  Good programs but there is only so much a teacher can do.  If we are going to keep adding to the curriculum, supports must be put in place.

·        It is important that all students reach their potential.  The child who could benefit from enrichment often does not receive it.  It is important that this issue be addressed in the teacher allocation.

·        It is important to explore unique and creative ways of teaching.  We must have our teachers share their expertise with other teachers in an organized fashion.

·        Providing students with financial assistance to study in communities with larger schools may be the answer for some students. (There is presently a bursary program available to some students.)

·        If this commission is going to impact student learning it is important to keep the focus on the classroom and what resources are needed there.


The Board will make a written submission to the commission at a later date. 


5.         Business Arising:


            5.1       Update – Rencontre East


The project for St. Stephen’s All-Grade, Rencontre East is in progress.  Initially, it was estimated that the project would cost approximately $90,000.  However, it is now estimated that this project will cost in the vicinity of $150,000.  It is anticipated that some of the projects the Board is pursuing will come in under budget and the extra money needed for this project will be realized from these projects.


Motion:           to extend the cost of the construction project at St. Stephen’s All Grade in Rencontre East by $75,000.  (Sceviour/Pritchett).  Carried.


            5.2       Board Committee Discussion


There are five standing committees of the Board – Student Support Services, Human Resources, Executive, Programs and Finance/Property.  It is expected that each committee will meet within two weeks of the regular Board meeting. 


Mr. Kerry Noble recommended that all committee meetings be postponed until after the AGM.  Because there may be a change in the committee members after the AGM it was recommended that the dates of the committee meetings be established at that time. 


The Finance/Property Committee will have to meet when the audit is complete.  This meeting may be held prior to the next Board meeting.


Mr. Clar Brown recommended that the Board hold a special meeting to discuss the Board’s submission to the Commission on Teacher Allocation.  Mr. John George recommended that this meeting replace the committee meetings at this time.


6.         Committee Reports/Updates


6.1       Human Resources Committee


The committee met on October 11, 2006.  The following motion was brought forward for tabling:


“that where the present policy states “will consist of three individuals” be changed to “will consist of a minimum of two individuals”.  (Noble/Langdon).


Mr. Peter Budgell asked if there had been any correspondence from the Department regarding any extra funding from the 1.5 million announced in the budget.  Ms. Cindy Fleet indicated that our District would be receiving $452,000.  However, there was a question around the $250,000 that the Board received last year.  The Department has approved an organizational chart to the School Boards.  Ms. Fleet met with the other directors and Department personnel to discuss and finalize the organizational charts.


There will be a need to officially change the name of the committee to the Human Resources Committee at the AGM


Motion:           to accept the Human Resources Committee Report.  (Noble/Langdon).  Carried.


6.2       Programs Committee


This year the program committee plans to concentrate on three issues:

·        Student enrollments in the general programs

·        CRT results

·        Public Exam results


Motion:           to accept the Programs Committee Report.  (Sceviour/George).  Carried.


6.3       Finance/Property Committee


There was no meeting held by the Finance/Property Committee.   The next meeting will be called when the audit is complete.  At this point it looks as though there will be a surplus.


6.4       Executive Committee


At the Executive Committee meeting, school restructuring was reviewed. 


There was a request from the student council at Valmont Academy to meet with the Board to discuss the proposed closure of the senior high section of their school.  Mr. Greg Woolfrey recommended that the school council chair be informed of this meeting and be given an option of attending.  Ms. Cindy Fleet indicated that the principal would be at the meeting and would advise the school council chairperson of the meeting with students. 


The request that was received from the Public Library in Hermitage has been withdrawn.


Motion:           to accept the report of the Executive Committee.  (Kendell/Sceviour).  Carried.


7.         Correspondence


1.      There was a letter received from Joy Howard, chair of the Baie Verte High School Council regarding a new K-12 school for Baie Verte.  Ms Howard informed the Board that the School Council she represented were expecting a new K-12 school for Baie Verte not a renovated one. 


At the April 25, 2006 Board meeting there was a motion carried indicating that the Board was committed to securing a new school building for Baie Verte.


Mr. Kendell will respond to Ms Howard indicating the Board’s commitment to a new school for Baie Verte.  The motion that was passed at the April 25, 2006 meeting will also be included in this letter.


2.      There was a letter received from Minister Burke dated October 12, 2006 indicating that the Board was not to augment the salaries of any of the staff. 


Since restructuring in 1996 salaries for the Senior Management personnel at district offices have not been settled.  There are many discrepancies in the pay scales of Senior Management.  This concern is being addressed by NLSBA.


3.      There was a news release stating that the tender has been called for the expansion and renovations of Exploits Valley Intermediate (Greenwood Division).


All trustees were reminded to complete their evaluation forms and to pass them in at the end of the meeting.


8.         New Business


            8.1       Preparation for School Board AGM – Election of Officers


The Annual General Meeting of the Board and the election of officers will take place at the next Board meeting on November 21, 2006.  This meeting will take place at the Regional Office in Grand Falls/Windsor. 


The nomination forms for the officers will be accepted up to 4:30 pm on November 21.  Also there will be nominations from the floor at the meeting.  The names of the nominees will be released at the AGM. 


If there are three or more candidates running for a position, should there not be a majority after the first vote the person with the least number of votes will be dropped from the ballot and another vote will be held for the remaining nominees.


Motion:           to extend the meeting for 15 minutes.  (Sceviour/Gibbons).  Carried.


8.2       Strategic Planning – Dates for Trustees to meet with Facilitator


There is a need for the Board to hold a Strategic Planning retreat.  It was recommended to hold this retreat on November 24 and 25.  There were a number of Board Members who were not available on these dates.  It was decided to hold this retreat on December 1 and 2.  The Director will contact Brenda Kelleher-Flight to see if she is available on these dates to serve as the facilitator.


9.         Date of Next Meeting


The next regular board meeting will be held on November 21st, 2006 in Grand Falls-Windsor.


8.         Adjournment


Motion:           to adjourn the meeting at 10:10 PM (Woolfrey/Sceviour).  Carried




_____________________________                          ____________________________

Thomas Kendell                                                           Bonnie Lane-McCarthy

Chair                                                                            Recorder

